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  • Writer's pictureAttracta Roach


What a fun weekend we had. It seems every school holidays we are always trying to do something special in the last few days of the holidays. We managed to go to a market, buy some lovely organic food an seedlings for the garden, eat some lovely food and have some lovely relaxing time together as a family. The time seems to go by so fast. Life gets so busy, especially on school holidays with play-dates, kids activities , catching up with friends, work and trying to run a household, that in some ways I am happy to go back to the routine of the school this week. I know, I'm a terrible Mum.

I think we just don't like to have our routines interrupted, as having habits can make life so easy. This is why I am hoping you have started to put some of my suggestions into practice and have commenced living your green life. Taking those few steps and practicing them on a daily basis, will soon form new habits that you won't even notice are part of your lifestyle after a while.

I know it must seem daunting with this huge list and you probably thinking do I really want to make all these changes. What good will they do? The contribution may seems small, but it will add up. The people around you will start to take note and may start their own journey to be green. By not buying items that are wasteful, a movement will occur and it will encourage the market to rethink about what they produce.

So come with me and have a read of the last few steps to start your green life.


  • Use public transport if possible.

  • Ride your bike or walk to work or school.

  • Look into carpooling.

  • Service your car regularly and keep your tires pumped. Your car will use less fuel.

  • When it comes to the time to replace your car, ensure it is fuel efficient.

  • If buying a new car consider a hybrid/eco-friendly car.


  • Share your books and magazines with friends and family.

  • Donate items that you are not using anymore to your local op shop or charity.

  • Wherever possible, replace disposable products with reusable ones (i.e., batteries, razor, ink cartridges (buy refill ink), food storage, etc.). Have a look at some our suggestions in our shop -

  • Recycle old T-shirts, towels and face-cloths. Use them for cleaning around the home.

  • Use old bottles and jars to store other items like food, garden seeds, nails, etc. Biscuit tins are another great item that can be used over and over again.

  • Buy pre-loved items. Often, no one else will have the same item. You can give your house an original look. Vintage clothing can be your style.

  • Swap clothes, books and toys with friends. Start a community swap meet.

I hope you have enjoyed these tips and that they have helped you. It might help to create a chart as a reminder of what you are to do. Tick an item off, when you know it has become a habit. I’m sure many of you have many other ideas. We would love to add them to the list.

Hope you are having a good earthly passionate week. Attracta & the team

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